gleich zum inhalt springen

Ideal Body Weight

Facts About Ideal Body Weight

The ideal body weight for one person will always be slightly (or vastly) different to that of another person. It is not always enough to base the figure solely on height. Other factors can come into play including:

  • gender
  • age
  • body type or frame size
  • racial heritage

On various websites you will find ideal body weight calculators. These tools let you input your height and sometimes your age and other details, and you’ll get an approximate weight returned. This can be used as the basis for your weight loss regime.

Some examples of ideal body weights for (more…)

ER in Weight Loss on January 12 2012 » comments are closed

Home Exercise Equipment

Types of Home Exercise Equipment

Home exercise equipment is something that virtually everyone wanting to lose weight will eventually purchase. So what types are available?

Cardio Equipment
By far the most sought after and effective equipment to own if you need to lose weight is cardio equipment.

Many people choose not to purchase it – if you prefer to do your cardio training via simply walking, swimming, running, cycling and skipping then purchasing a treadmill may seem redundant.

But on the other hand, having equipment that you can use indoors is (more…)

ER in Fitness on January 12 2012 » comments are closed

Finding Time to Exercise

3 Tips for Finding Time to Exercise

Everyone is busy nowadays. And sadly, that means many people abandon that which is most important: exercise and health. But it doesn’t require hours per day to start up a fitness regime.

It just requires dedication, motivation and less than an hour per day. It’s amazing how we can start finding time to exercise once we really start to look.

Most people have a spare 30 to 60 minutes to spare daily, even if they don’t realize it. How much time do you spend watching television in the afternoon?

Or perhaps that extra 20 minutes in bed after the alarm clock can be slowly replaced by a brisk morning walk.

Here are three easy ways to fit exercise into your daily routine: (more…)

ER in Fitness,Weight Loss on January 11 2012 » comments are closed

Hidden Calories in Food

Calories in Food

Hidden or unknown calories in food can add up very quickly and can lead to weight gain, tiredness and lack of energy. The main culprit is, you guessed it, sugar.

Processed food usually contains excessive amounts of added sugar, and often salt as well.

Most of us have a fairly good idea of what constitutes good healthy food, and what is classed as junk or unhealthy food.

But it can come as some surprise when you find out that (more…)

ER in Weight Loss on January 11 2012 » comments are closed

Gluten Free Diet

Gluten Free Diet

Why am I writing about a gluten free diet on a blog that talks about staying trim after 40? Well, my goal at this stage of my life is to stay healthy so I can enjoy life for as long as possible and I want the same for you. I want you to live long and prosper. Eating healthy is a great way to do that

So what is gluten? Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. It causes adverse reactions in people that are sensitive to it. It’s found in a lot of foods such as bread, pasta, beer, cold cuts, muffins, cakes, pies, pretzels, soups, etc.

Side effects of gluten sensitivity include, (more…)

ER in Diet/nutrition on December 01 2011 » comments are closed

Belly Fat

Belly Fat

Belly fat is a major health issue for people over 40. The reason it is such a problem is because the more belly fat you have the more susceptible you are to obesity related illnesses.

High blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol are just a few problems that result from excessive fat around the middle.

Workout session

Belly fat consists of subcutaneous fat as well as visceral fat. Visceral fat is located deep inside your abdomen and surrounds your internal organs such as your liver, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.

Visceral fat produces hormones that can cause (more…)

ER in Weight Loss on November 12 2011 » comments are closed

Midlife Spread

Midlife Spread

Why is the midlife spread so difficult to control? Exercise and dieting just isn’t removing the weight. This is a question I asked myself. I remember studying something about hormones and weight gain in women over 40 way back when.

So I starting digging around in books and researching the web and found out that most over 40 individuals have problems with the midlife spread because their hormones maybe out of balance. This is a particular problem for women over 40.

As we mature our hormones begin to decline and they become (more…)

ER in Weight Loss on September 12 2011 » comments are closed

Food Addiction

Food Addiction

How does one become addicted to food? Is it mental or physical? Do we think our way into bad eating habits or do we eat because the food is readily available and we just can’t turn down that free piece of cake at the office party? That’s what I want to discuss in this post.

Some people believe that food addiction is an emotional response to food, while others believe that our physical environment (restaurants, and junk food) causes us to overeat foods filled will salt, sugar and fat.

While these are possible factors to food addiction there are other scientific factors to consider. The one factor that may affect a lot of us over 40 is (more…)

ER in Diet/nutrition,Weight Loss on July 23 2011 » comments are closed
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