Losing weight after age 40 2022-05-29T21:21:17Z WordPress ER <![CDATA[How to Find Your Bliss at 60+]]> 2022-05-29T21:21:17Z 2022-05-29T21:11:39Z
Biking at 60+

I am 60+ years old. I love my life at this age. This is the time when we baby Boomers can enjoy all there is to offer in life without restraint. When I say without restraint, I mean there are no children to care for. Some of us are single either by way of divorce or widowhood. Some of us are retired. Life at this stage is a blissful state of being if you’ll allow yourself to live in the moment.

How do you enter this blissful state? For me it’s doing the things I enjoy. For example, I love riding my bike, so I hooked up with a group of like-minded people on that enjoy bike riding. I like horseback riding. I found a horse stable that offered horseback riding lessons and I took them. I also like to travel. I just came back from a solo trip to Tybee, Island.

The point is being 60 years old and above is a great age to explore and enjoy life to its fullest. There are so many things you can do to find pleasure in life. Why not go for a walk in the park or go to a museum on the days they offer free entry. You can also join a meetup group in your area. There are hundreds of interesting groups you can take part in. Just go to

and search for a topic of interest in your area of the country. I belong to six groups.

So why are you waiting to live your best life. The time is now to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. Life at 60+ is so much fun. Try it you will surly like it.

ER <![CDATA[Corn Syrup]]> 2012-09-03T14:44:09Z 2012-09-03T14:39:08Z What’s Really Making You Fat?

That’s a good question. If you’re over 40 it could be a combination of things. It could be your hormones, or overeating or lack of exercise. But most likely it is the overabundance of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in your diet combined with the above actions.

HFCS is a common additive to processed foods and beverages in the U. S. You’ll find it in a ginormous amount of products found in grocery outlets.

Some popular hiding places are breads, cereals, condiments, frozen dinners and soft drinks. Sodas contain approximately 55% fructose and 42% glucose, two of the main ingredients of HFCS.

HFCS is 6 times sweeter than table sugar. It is the sweetener that has replaced table sugar (sucrose) in the food industry in the United States.

Researchers and critics argue that it is more dangerous to our bodies than table sugar because it can contribute to diabetes and weight gain.

Dr. Richard Johnson, Chief of the Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension at the University of Colorado has published a book on the topic, The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That Is Making You Fat and Sick. It’s very good reading and it will open your eyes to the effects that high fructose corn syrup has on your body.

ER <![CDATA[Ageing Successfully]]> 2016-01-23T23:47:38Z 2012-07-07T20:27:48Z 7 Keys to Successful Ageing

Being over 40 is such a great experience. We are at the point in life to where we can practically do whatever we want to do. Instead of thinking about ageing gracefully consider this as the time in life to LIVE. That said, here are 7 ways to age successfully.

1. Eat Clean – I know I’m on my proverbial soapbox here. But eating clean requires you to eat more fruits and vegetables, hormone free meats and to drink plenty of water. Your body doesn’t burn off calories as fast as it use to. So you have to watch your carbohydrate intake and portion size.

2. Exercise – Proverbial soapbox again. You gotta move. It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do just do something. Dance, jog, bike, hike, canoe, take a self-defense class, or do yoga all of these will get your heart pumping. Making it fun will help you stick with it.

3. Remove Stress- A lot of people are concerned about job, children, grandchildren, retirement, and their love life during this time of life. To age successfully in this century we need to remove these obstacles. How? Do your best on your job. That’s all you can do. Our children and grandchildren should be old enough to take responsibility for their own actions. So lets allow them to do that.

Adult children should pay rent or be given a deadline as to how long they can stay in the nest. For retirement, find a counselor that can help you budget enough now so you won’t have to struggle when you decide to retire. As for your love life, get out of the house. Meet people. Try a dating service.

4. Enjoy Life – It’s time for you to enjoy life. Travel, even if it’s just to another part of the state where you live. Go out with friends. Go to a coffee shop to just have a cup of coffee. Take a book or your computer along. Join a chess or scrabble club. Whatever you like doing just do it.

5. Laugh – “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” Prv 17:22. Laughter is good medicine. It dispels stress. Find a friend or family member to get together with and laugh about old times. If you can’t find a friend, rent a comedy and laugh until you cry.

6. Socialize – There are so many meet-up groups that you can join online. There are also hundreds of social networks that are available. Think of something you’re interested in and join a group.

7. Love Who You Are- Unless you’re a twin there is no one else like you in the whole world. You are special. Don’t worry about other peoples opinion of you. They will get over themselves. You just live the best you can and love who you are.

Enjoy this time. We are “old enough to know better and still too young to care”.

ER <![CDATA[Disease Prevention]]> 2016-01-23T23:48:21Z 2012-06-05T20:05:02Z Disease Prevention – Stay Healthy Longer

disease prevention smiling doctor

disease prevention

The mature years, (40, 50, 60 years old), are the power years of fun and adventure.

This may sound like a deviation from the subject of staying trim after 40 but the truth is if your health is bad you will not be able to enjoy the rest of your life.

It is important that you adopt healthier lifestyles from this day forward to prevent age-related diseases.
Some common diseases related to aging are heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis.

The majority of these diseases can be prevented if you exercise regularly, eat properly and manage your stress.

Many of these diseases stem from being overweight and obese, two preventable disorders. Overweight and obesity result from an energy imbalance. This involves eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity.

According to the Center for Disease Control during the years 2009 – 2010, 35.7% of U. S. adults were obese. That’s over 78 million adults.

If there was ever a time to eat healthy in your lifetime it is now. It is critical that you consider disease prevention during this next chapter in life.

To prevent these diseases consider your cell health. You are what you eat. Like a bank your body has to account for everything that you put into it.

Without boring you with scientific facts let me say that aging is related to free radicals floating around in your cells.

Free radicals are unpaired electrons looking for a mate. If they decided to combine with DNA or other things in your cells they can cause cell damage.

The free-radical theory of aging states that organism’s age because cells accumulate free radical damage over time.

How do you prevent free radicals from damaging your cells? By eating foods high in antioxidants or taking vitamins like vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene that interact with free radicals.

Foods containing vitamin E are nuts, seeds, fish oils and whole grains. Vitamin C foods include fruits such as cantaloupe, strawberries, blue berries and citric fruits as well as green vegetables.

Foods containing beta-carotene are tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and a number of grains. You can do a web search to find additional foods in these categories.

You can extend the next phase of your life by giving your body what it needs now so you can enjoy the rest of your life disease free later.

ER <![CDATA[Ab Exercises]]> 2016-01-23T23:48:46Z 2012-04-12T01:24:49Z Ab Exercises…. Great for Losing Fat

Losing fat around your midsection is the key to having visible abdominal muscles. Contrary to popular belief, and misunderstanding, you don’t actually need to build your ab muscles in order to grow them – they are not like your arm or leg muscles.

Instead, doing ab exercises combined with fat burning cardio fitness will result in fat loss – especially that spare tire around the stomach that hides the muscles underneath.

ab exercises

Numerous studies prove that people, especially men (who are prone to storing fat there) who have excess weight around their middle, are more likely to suffer from health problems.

So it goes without saying that trimming down this part of your body will have positive effects for the rest of your figure (and health).

From simple sit ups to more complex routines, regardless of which exercises you choose to do there’s one thing to keep in mind: don’t over do it.

Because you don’t need to build these muscles like you do with biceps and thigh muscles, you only need to undertake minimal targeted exercise per week on this part of the body. The good thing is that all of the other exercises you do will also benefit your abs indirectly.

Which ab exercises will give you the best results? The true answer is that most of them will. The key is to mix them up and rotate several of them throughout your weekly fitness routine.

The bicycle exercise is certainly one of the best options for both beginners and those who are already quite fit.

It requires you to lie on your back on a flat surface, put your hands behind your head and bring your knee up one at a time to meet your chest, in a cycling motion.

Make sure you bring your opposite elbow to the rising knee and don’t pull with your neck, but rather your abdominal muscles.

Leg crunches are another excellent ab exercise to try. Lie on your back again, this time bring your legs straight up vertically so they are 90 degrees to the ground, keeping knees slightly bent and then by contracting your ab muscles, bring your chest up.

This will place great strain on your stomach muscles so take it easy at first! Short sets are ideal in the beginning and you can increase it from there over the coming weeks and months.

Doing good ab exercises with proper form (this is extremely important) will yield the results you need – just make sure you do them in conjunction with your regular fitness workouts such as walking and cycling in order to burn the fat that is covering your abdominal muscles.

ER <![CDATA[Heart Healthy Diet]]> 2016-01-23T23:49:11Z 2012-04-12T00:56:55Z What is a Heart Healthy Diet?

A heart healthy diet is one that has the best interest of not only your heart in mind, but every other aspect of your body as well.

The functioning of your arteries and organs are also key to heart health, and when these are in good condition then you are less likely to suffer from any non-hereditary heart conditions.

a heart healty diet

Are there such things as heart health foods? We know there are certainly hundreds of foods which are hazardous to the health of our hearts and other organs, but which foods can actually help them?

As a rule, anything that contains high amounts of bad fats should be avoided. This means all fried and fast food, as well as most processed foods.

It goes without saying that these are not ideal items to have in your everyday diet, whether you are trying to lose weight or not. Excess cholesterol is a precursor to almost certain heart problems.

The type of fats you consume can be confusing as far as whether they are harmful or not. The American Heart Association offers information on the recommended intake of various types of fats.

They recommend that saturated fats should make up under 7% of your daily calorie intake, and trans fat should be under 1%.

There are some super foods which can contribute to the health of your heart and arteries. These include blueberries, soy protein, spinach, flax seed, salmon and oatmeal, just to name a few.
Omega 3 fatty acids are a vital nutrient required for the health of the arteries and heart. It can be consumed naturally either through oily fish, or flax seed products such as flax seed oil (an oil you can drizzle on food, but not cook with). Getting enough Omega-3 in your diet is the first step to a heart healthy diet.

A heart healthy diet is not difficult to implement and maintain. Including plenty of vegetables and whole grains in your diet, as well as a good quality source of omega-3 fatty acids will ensure you are doing everything you can to minimize your chance of suffering any serious heart conditions later in life.

ER <![CDATA[Core Exercises]]> 2016-01-23T23:49:44Z 2012-04-05T00:23:48Z What are Core Exercises?

The core of your body is the main structure that allows the rest of your body to move well. It consists of your lower back, abs and hips. Without a strong core you can suffer from weakness, muscle loss and eventually conditions like arthritis and back pain.


Strengthening this part of your body with core exercises also helps you to do weight training exercises in proper form – this results in a considerably less chance of experiencing injuries or improper posture.

There are dedicated exercises that you can do for core strengthening. Some are done on the floor, others may use a Swiss ball.

It is worth incorporating a number of different exercises into your weekly routines, in order to challenge and use each muscle rather than only focusing on a few exercises that target the same movements over and over again.

What comes surprisingly to most people is that the purpose of your core is actually to resist the movement, rather than be the prime moving device. It is there to help protect your backbone and midsection muscles.

Therefore, when you do core exercises, your aim should be to minimize movement of this important region – unlike every other training exercise which involves extensively moving and working out each muscle or body part.

Sculpting your midsection (your ab muscles) relies heavily on the strength of your core. The more you work this area, the easier you will find it to do the strenuous workouts required to achieve a truly toned body, or even just to drop the fat around your midsection (which is what hides the muscles!).

Slouching is one of the worst habits a person can pick up, particularly someone who is serious about getting in shape or losing weight.

When you train your core, you actually work to eliminate slouching as well. Keep in mind that many of us spend up to 40 (or more) hours per week in front of a computer, often slouching without noticing. Getting into the habit of keeping a strong core posture all day is as important as your workouts.

Doing some core exercises on the floor requires you to move very little, or not at all.

You need to make sure the tension is maintained in your muscles, and over time you’ll know they are becoming stronger as they’ll be able to perform each exercise for a longer period of time.

Other workouts allow you to move during the exercise. Combining both movement (V-sit ups, lunges, squats) and non-movement core exercises (superman and plank) into your routine ensures that you are covering all bases and not focusing too much on just one or two areas.

ER <![CDATA[Used Exercise Equipment]]> 2016-01-23T23:50:11Z 2012-04-04T23:38:02Z Used Exercise Equipment – What to Look For

Fitness equipment can be extremely expensive. Buying high quality, well made gym equipment can literally cost an arm and a leg, that is why so many people opt to go to a gym instead.

used weight loss equipment

But if you know where to fined used exercise equipment for a good price, you can save thousands of dollars and set up your very own home fitness center.

So what equipment should you buy? It depends upon your goals. If you aim to lose weight, then a treadmill should be at the top of your list. Remembering however weight training also leads to weight loss, some strength equipment is also a good idea.

Dumbbells and barbells and single weights to go on them are generally priced low enough to buy brand new from a store, however you could find them even cheaper second hand on eBay or Craigslist.

Most people searching for used exercise equipment however, will be wanting to find some of the more expensive gym-quality machines or cardio machines like treadmills and exercise bikes. These can cost hundreds, or thousands of dollars to buy brand new so it’s worth your while to search for a quality used product.

Here are some quick tips to keep in mind when you’re out looking for some used fitness machines to purchase. As long as you follow a few simple guidelines you should end up more than satisfied with your purchase.

– Check all chains and cables and make sure none are rusted, wearing or in bad condition. This is vital as any cable breakage can be extremely dangerous. Good brands should never have this problem, but if the item has been stored outside in the rain then rust can be an issue.

– Have a go of the machine and ensure that it all works smoothly. There should be no stiffness or creaks. Minor issues may be fixed with some oiling, but if it doesn’t feel right, walk away.

– Check to see if you get the weights with the machine. Most used dealers will sell some weights, but if not it could be an added expense.

– Check to see if the item is still under warranty, and if the seller is providing a receipt. For more expensive items this can give you some peace of mind.

– Pay attention to any electronic displays on treadmills and other cardio equipment. If these are not working properly they can become expensive to fix, and also render the machine almost useless, as you will not be able to track your progress.

There are several outlets which specialize in used exercise equipment. Many of these items come from gyms and fitness clubs where they have been replaced by new models.

These are some of the best ones to pick up, as they are generally well maintained and often quite young, as most clubs like to upgrade as soon as a new model is available.

You will also find that many of these resellers recondition the equipment too and will provide their own warranty. Places such as have an exceptional range of all types of exercise machines, so does and

It is possible to get some of the most advanced treadmills and elliptical trainers from such places, at a fraction of the brand new price.

Used exercise equipment can be just as good as buying brand new. As long as you follow these simple tips when searching for your equipment, you can rest assured that you have made a quality purchase that will be of use to you for many years into the future, while saving thousands of dollars in the process.

ER <![CDATA[Weight Loss Plateau]]> 2016-01-23T23:50:41Z 2012-04-04T16:11:24Z What Happens When You Hit a Weight Loss Plateau?