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Belly Fat

Belly Fat

Belly fat is a major health issue for people over 40. The reason it is such a problem is because the more belly fat you have the more susceptible you are to obesity related illnesses.

High blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high cholesterol are just a few problems that result from excessive fat around the middle.

Workout session

Belly fat consists of subcutaneous fat as well as visceral fat. Visceral fat is located deep inside your abdomen and surrounds your internal organs such as your liver, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.

Visceral fat produces hormones that can cause your cholesterol levels to rise, raise your blood pressure, and can cause stroke and certain cancers. That’s why it is extremely important that we remove this fat as quickly as possible.

So what’s your first step in losing belly fat? Most people would say eating healthy and exercise. They are partly right. But the first step would be for you to get your brain and body working in unison.

Why the brain body connection? Well, to lose weight you have to mentally prepare yourself for weight loss. Preparedness will help you stick with your plans and goals that you set to help you lose weight.

When you become serious about weight loss, sit down and write a day-by-day eating plan as well as an exercise schedule. Try to have a plan together for a week at a time.

Each week just make some adjustments to your plan for different meals or exercise routines. Having a plan that you can see and follow everyday will keep you on track. Check out the free e-book “Eat to Lose Weight” it has some great ideas about foods to eat while losing weight.

Also remember that gradual weight loss is the key. If you’ve lived a sedentary lifestyle up to this point it is going to take your body a little while to adjust to your new schedules.

As you begin to exercise and start eating healthier your body will respond and you will look fit and feel marvelous.

ER in Weight Loss on November 12 2011 » Comments are closed.