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Ageing Successfully

7 Keys to Successful Ageing

Being over 40 is such a great experience. We are at the point in life to where we can practically do whatever we want to do. Instead of thinking about ageing gracefully consider this as the time in life to LIVE. That said, here are 7 ways to age successfully.

1. Eat Clean – I know I’m on my proverbial soapbox here. But eating clean requires you to eat more fruits and vegetables, hormone free meats and to drink plenty of water. Your body doesn’t burn off calories as fast as it use to. So you have to watch your carbohydrate intake and portion size.

2. Exercise – Proverbial soapbox again. You gotta move. It doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do just do something. Dance, jog, bike, hike, canoe, take a self-defense class, or do yoga all of these will get your heart pumping. Making it fun will help you stick with it.

3. Remove Stress- A lot of people are concerned about job, children, grandchildren, retirement, and their love life during this time of life. To age successfully in this century we need to remove these obstacles. How? Do your best on your job. That’s all you can do. Our children and grandchildren should be old enough to take responsibility for their own actions. So lets allow them to do that.

Adult children should pay rent or be given a deadline as to how long they can stay in the nest. For retirement, find a counselor that can help you budget enough now so you won’t have to struggle when you decide to retire. As for your love life, get out of the house. Meet people. Try a dating service.

4. Enjoy Life – It’s time for you to enjoy life. Travel, even if it’s just to another part of the state where you live. Go out with friends. Go to a coffee shop to just have a cup of coffee. Take a book or your computer along. Join a chess or scrabble club. Whatever you like doing just do it.

5. Laugh – “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” Prv 17:22. Laughter is good medicine. It dispels stress. Find a friend or family member to get together with and laugh about old times. If you can’t find a friend, rent a comedy and laugh until you cry.

6. Socialize – There are so many meet-up groups that you can join online. There are also hundreds of social networks that are available. Think of something you’re interested in and join a group.

7. Love Who You Are- Unless you’re a twin there is no one else like you in the whole world. You are special. Don’t worry about other peoples opinion of you. They will get over themselves. You just live the best you can and love who you are.

Enjoy this time. We are “old enough to know better and still too young to care”.

ER in Weight Loss on July 07 2012 » Comments are closed.